Véltak ehf. is a service and import firm which was founded in 1970. Until 1986 Veltak was also a manufacturer of machinery and equipment for the fishing fleet and other industries.
Projects that Veltak has worked on:
- Building of asphalt tanks and asphalt fabric in Reykjavík (1972)
- Mechanising of the driftnet fleet and the production of equipment to clean the nets (1975)
- Mechanising of shellfishfleet, design and production of equipment for cleaning and sorting scallops (1980)
Over the last 10 years Veltak has been working on equipment to reduce pollution in engine rooms and living quarters on boats and ships. Veltaks newest product, the Oil Gas Separator 2 greatly decreases lube oil usage as well as reducing contaminants and toxic gases in the engine room. Veltak also provides solutions from other manufacturers such as with the AirSep breathing system and Premaberg water separator.
Véltak represents the following companies in Iceland as well as some in Norway:
- GLACIER – Lube oil separator
- SEPAR – Water/oil separator
- PURA FINER – Fuel decontamination
- TRIPLE-R – Oil cleaning
- PMAX – Turbine Filters
- ABCON – Stævnrörspaste
- PREMABERG – Air separator – Also in Norway
- AirSep – Closed Crankcase Breather – Also in Norway
- OilGasSep – Closed Crankcase Breather
Véltak ehf. provides technical assistance and consulting with regard to equipment for cleaner environments on ships and in factories.
The Team

Guðbjartur Einarsson
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