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Product Summary

AirSep prevents dirt and unwanted chemicals from reaching the turbine intercooler. Increases fuel economy, increases power from engine and decreases the exhaust heat. Veltak represents  Walker-Airsep in Iceland and Norway.

Brochures about AirSep

Brochure Presentasjon AirSep

Hreinsileiðbeiningar AirSep / Viðhald


Virkni AirSep 

Útöndunar rör er tengt við AirSep skiljuna sem sogar olíuloftið frá sveifarhúsinu. Svo skilur hún olíuna frá gasinu með 99.97% nýtingu. Undirþrýstingur myndast í sveifarhúsi u.þ.b. 1 til 2 mbar, og hjálpar það til að tæma skiljuna af uppsafnaðri olíu sem rennur í gegnum slöngu til sveifarhússins á ný.

Þegar búið er að aðskilja gasið frá olíunni fer gasið inn í lofstrauminn og brennur í vélinni.

Við að halda sveifarhúsþrýsting rétt undir 0 hættir vélin að leka smurolíu í flestum tilfellum, og mengun í vélarúminu minnkar umtalsvert.

Óhreinindi í túrbínum


For more Information Contact Véltak

Product Description

AirSep prevents dirt and unwanted chemicals from reaching the turbine intercooler. Increases fuel economy, increases power from engine and decreases the exhaust heat. Veltak represents  Walker-Airsep in Iceland and Norway.

Welcome to Walker Engineering - home of the Walker AIRSEP® closed crankcase system for diesel engines. Originally configured for marine applications, the AIRSEP® is now available for all applications that use diesel engines, such as trucks, buses, RVs, Industrial engines, and even power generation. New AIRSEPS® have been designed to meet the increasing popularity of natural gas-fueled engines, as well. For heavy-duty applications, our high-efficiency CCE® series AIRSEP® is the product of choice.

A private company, Walker Engineering offers innovative products that apply cutting edge technology to solve problems in a unique and cost effective manner. Our FUELSEP® and ALGAESEP® products add quality, value, and emissions reduction to any diesel powered boat, vehicle or facility. Go with the name you can depend on and trust … Walker Engineering.

Brochures about AirSep

Brochure Presentasjon AirSep 1

Hreinsileiðbeiningar AirSep / Viðhald














For more Information Contact Véltak 2

Product Gallery

 Véltak AirSep  Véltak AirSep  AirSep-2-Cummins  92-Series-w-Airsep  Véltak AirSep  AirSepCAT_3512mynd  AIRSEPPic(6LY3)2a  AIRSEP-Yanmar6LP  AirSep 


  1. .pdf
Product added date: 2015-09-16 11:24:29
Product modified date: 2015-10-15 13:25:52

Export date: Fri Apr 26 10:12:22 2024 / +0000 GMT
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