This page was exported from veltak [ ] Export date:Wed Dec 4 8:06:56 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: VÖRUR --------------------------------------------------- Vöruflokkar Heilsa og umhverfi 1 Products OGS2, AirSep, Premaberg 3 Products Separ Filter 2 Products Pura Finer Vörur 1 Products Olíugreining Þjónusta 2 Products Heilsa og umhverfi "Sköpum vistvænt umhverfi - betri heilsu!" Veltak's environmental policy: “No company can be excluded from co-responsibility for our environment and it has to focus on the environmental problems. Therefore Veltak wants to be in the leadership and work effectively on reducing the environmental pollution and aim at a self-supporting ecological society.” Betra vinnuumhverfi Quick View Heilsa og umhverfi Umhverfisstefna Véltaks Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Gallerí Umhverfismál Véltak Filter for generatorer, pollution of oilmist from engine room. Síur fyrir rafala mengaðar af olugufum úr velarúmi . Umhverfismál Véltak Silencer from turbine ,pollution of oilmist from engine room. Hljóðdeifar úr turbínu mengaðir af olíugufum úr velarúmi . Umhverfismál Véltak Environmental Issues, Polloution. Umhverfismál Véltak Environmental Issues, Polloution. Umhverfismál Véltak Environmental Issues, Polloution. Umhverfismál Véltak Environmental Issues, Polloution. Umhverfismál Véltak Environmental Issues, Polloution. Umhverfismál Véltak Environmental Issues, Polloution. Upplýsingar Mengunarrannsóknir Mengurarransóknir, hluti sýna frá rannsókninni. Sýnishorn  frá rannsókn Siglingastofnunar Íslands 2009 (rannsóknarsvið) á loftgæðum  í velarúmi[...] 0 comments 08 Oct Þór Hf-4 Til  Véltak ehf                                                                                             Akranesi. 2009-02-11 Hvaleyrabraut  3 220 Hafnarfjörður Umsögn: Ég er yfirvélstjóri  á frystitogaranum [...] 0 comments 08 Oct OIL MIST AND MACHINERY SPACE FIRES   OIL MIST AND MACHINERY SPACE FIRES by Dr MH Holness PhD, C Chem, FRSC,[...] 0 comments 07 Oct Ásbjörn     Til Véltaks ehf                                                                 Skip:   Ásbjörn RE-50 Aðalvél : Stork Werkspoor 1450 KW Eigandi[...] 0 comments 02 Oct Cancer incidence among marine engineers. Click here to read full text of the Article Vilhjálmur Rafnsson: Cancer incidence among marine[...] 0 comments 24 Jul Mengunarvarnir Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut est diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas rhoncus sit amet enim in viverra. Sed nec arcu urna. Mauris a pharetra eros. Aliquam nec blandit tortor. Aliquam feugiat purus ipsum, sed auctor orci lobortis ut. Donec et nunc ut nunc hendrerit interdum. Sed lacinia massa ac ipsum porttitor condimentum. Vörur Quick View OGS2, AirSep, Premaberg Pollution Protection Products Premaberg Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Quick View AirSep AirSep Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Quick View OGS 2, Oil-Gas Separator OGS 2 Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Upplýsingar Oildrops in a leakage Oildrops in a leakage can amount to a lot over time!        [...] 0 comments 14 Sep AirSep Parts and Accessories Brochure with AirSep Parts and Accessories          [...] 0 comments 24 Jul Presentation AirSep Brochure about AirSep Presentasjon AirSep          [...] 0 comments 24 Jul AirSep virkni AirSep virkni Með tíð og tíma hlaðast óhreinindi í túrbínur og skolloftskæla. Hvort tveggja hefur í[...] 0 comments 20 Jun Separation / Skiljun Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut est diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas rhoncus sit amet enim in viverra. Sed nec arcu urna. Mauris a pharetra eros. Aliquam nec blandit tortor. Aliquam feugiat purus ipsum, sed auctor orci lobortis ut. Donec et nunc ut nunc hendrerit interdum. Sed lacinia massa ac ipsum porttitor condimentum. Vörur Quick View Separ Filter Separ Filter Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Quick View Separ Filter Triple-R Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Gallerí Triple R TRiple R Products Eimskip uses Triple R Products Cranes at the Harbour of Reykjavík, Iceland Eimskip uses Triple R Products Cranes at the Harbour of Reykjavík, Iceland Eimskip uses Triple R Products Cranes at the Harbour of Reykjavík, Iceland Upplýsingar Nýr búnaður frá Veltak ehf. Nýr  búnaður frá Veltak ehf., til hreinsunar og olíugreiningar í háþrýstivökvakerfum  í tækjum og búnaði.[...] 0 comments 05 Jun Triple R bypass Oilfilter Brochure Triple R bypass Oilfilter Brochure: Triple R Norsk versjon          [...] 0 comments 18 Feb OIL ANALYSIS            [...] 0 comments 05 Oct Lubricating oil additives Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut est diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas rhoncus sit amet enim in viverra. Sed nec arcu urna. Mauris a pharetra eros. Aliquam nec blandit tortor. Aliquam feugiat purus ipsum, sed auctor orci lobortis ut. Donec et nunc ut nunc hendrerit interdum. Sed lacinia massa ac ipsum porttitor condimentum. Vörur Gallerí Abcon Marine Products Abcon Marine Products Pura Finer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut est diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas rhoncus sit amet enim in viverra. Sed nec arcu urna. Mauris a pharetra eros. Aliquam nec blandit tortor. Aliquam feugiat purus ipsum, sed auctor orci lobortis ut. Donec et nunc ut nunc hendrerit interdum. Sed lacinia massa ac ipsum porttitor condimentum. Vörur Quick View Pura Finer Products Pura Finer Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Pura Finer Brouchure Pura finer brouchure          [...] 0 comments 22 Sep Þjónusta Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut est diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas rhoncus sit amet enim in viverra. Sed nec arcu urna. Mauris a pharetra eros. Aliquam nec blandit tortor. Aliquam feugiat purus ipsum, sed auctor orci lobortis ut. Donec et nunc ut nunc hendrerit interdum. Sed lacinia massa ac ipsum porttitor condimentum. Vörur Quick View Oil Analysis Services Laboratory Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Quick View Oil Analysis Services Services Add to WishlistProduct added! Browse WishlistThe product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist Ummæli / Testemonials After OGS-2 had been taken into use, it was noticed that, the quality of the atmosphere in the engine room had become better and oil odour had diminished considerably, to-day this constant oil stench cannot be felt as before. Previously there were leaks and oil oozing various places on the main engine, especially in way of valve covers, flywheel, pump-gear and other places. This resulted in oil contaminated atmosphere in the engine room and all equipment in the engine room, notably generators, electrical motors, bulkheads, ceilings etc. were covered with oil film. There has been a great change in this concern. Ventilation from crankcase up to deck and the landing there below was previously covered with oil scum, but to-day this is completely clean, since the crankcase extraction of oil mist is taken through OGS-2. Sigurður Rúnar Sigurðsson HBGrandi-Ásbjörn-RE-50 The ship Thor HF-4 Motor : Alpha. 4000hp Achievement: Used OilGasSep 2 for 12 months (nov.05 to nov.06) Operation time: 310 days. Lubricating oil was reduced by 40 -47%. Engine runs at ca. 90% load Lubrication oil consumption 0.21 - 0.23 g per Hp/h. Efficiency of oil cleaning from exhaust gas from crank case to turbine is 99.99%. Oil mist in engine room disappeared. Maintenance of OilGasSep 2 was zero. [col span="1/2" ] The ship “Þór HF-4” Hafnarfjörður, with following result: Average lubeoil consumption the last 10 years have been 20-25 ltrs/day Usage > 300 days per year Earlier lubeoil consumption from 47 to 90 ltrs/day Lubeoil saving in 10 years >60.000 ltrs Author name Stálskip ehf.-Þór-HF-4 --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2015-02-25 11:42:04 Post date GMT: 2015-02-25 11:42:04 Post modified date: 2015-10-20 10:54:47 Post modified date GMT: 2015-10-20 10:54:47 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from